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In order to listen to more ideas worth spreading, Chiara Sommer, pickagenius' founder, attended TEDxRheinMain yesterday night. The topic of the event was very suitable - 'Everything communicates'. Ossi Urchs, the moderator of the event, introduces the evening by stating that to 'exchange and connect is our form of existance'.
Klaus-Jürgen Grün, a German philosopher opened the Talks with a very interesting and provocative topic: 'courage to lie'. The key message was: We are because we communicate and in order to communicate lying is required. We need lying to maintain our self-deception, hence it is convenient.
In contrast to the conpet of lying, Gabriel Glöckler, European Central Bank deputy Head of Department, focused on how important the communication between politicians and the markets are in order to ensure trust in the society.
Manouchehr Shamsrizi, the youngest presenter, focused on morale as the fundament of communication and used Performance Art for illustration.
The artists of the TEDx event had the challenge to communicate their art in a Talk:
Helge "Bomber" Steinmann, graffiti artist, concentrated on the form of communication that is unasked for and explained why graffiti is a medium for people that are not heard otherwise.
Friedemann Eichhorn, violinist, changed the whole setting of the event by communicating with his music and stating that 'the audience is more important than the performer'. He points out that besides all technology and a fast moving society, 'it still takes the same amount of time to listen to a Beethoven sonata' which means that to process art and emotion simply requires time.
The final talk of the night by Robert Babicz was the most touching and emoitional one. He gave insights to his personal life and how it influenced his career path and passion for Acid Techno.
TEDTalks are inspiring and this is why they work.